6、我想偷偷的用挂念偷走你,藏在掌心欣赏你。I want to steal you with my thoughts, hide in my palms and appreciate you.
7、因为我喜欢星星,我便将你比作银河,集我所有喜欢于一身。Because I like stars, I will compare you to the Milky way, set all I like in one.
8、我爱你,如鲸向海,鸟投林,不可避免,退无可退。I love you, like a whale to the sea, a bird into the forest, inevitable, no retreat.
9、我把时间精确到每分每秒,是只想爱你一生一世。I accurate time to every minute, is just want to love you for life.
10、你知道我为什么经常套路你吗?因为我的套路只为你用。Do you know why I'm always using you? Because my routine is only for you.
11、爱你不打烊,地球却已经不对外营业了,晚安。Love you do not close, but the earth has no business, good night.
12、我喜欢你,喜欢到想像这样轻轻一闭眼,就能过完一辈子。I like you. I like to imagine that if you close your eyes, you can live a lifetime.