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20.I loved it when Tina Fey went up to collect her Golden Globe andheld it high saying "This is for all the haters!" She"s a goodexample of a talented hardworking and successful person who"sreceived an inordinate amount of negative press Ms Fey may bebesieged by haters but she refuses to let them get to her。我喜欢蒂娜––菲在金球奖领奖时说过的话,她把奖杯高高举起,说道,“感谢那些讨厌我的人!”蒂娜就是富有天赋工作努力而且获得成功的好例子,同时,她也收到了无数负面抨击,但她从未让这些流言蜚语影响到自己。
21.It doesn"t matter that you"ve worked long and hard to get where youare nor that you"ve made great sacrifices in achieving your goalsThe "haters" will always find a reason to criticize and evencondemn you。无论你工作有多努力,或者你做出了多大的牺牲才获得了现在的成就,那些“恨你的人”总能找到理由来批评你,甚至诋毁你。